
Bar code on pot cover 5413953013082
Main colour 1 blue
Pot size 17 cm
Minimum plant height including pot 70 cm
Maturity stage 1-2
Minimum number of flowers/inflorescences per pot 5
Minimum number of stems/branches per plant 1
Transport height 60 cm
Flower/berry/fruit color 1 blue
Printing on wrapping, general company's logo/text
Country of origin Netherlands
Other information pot plants continuous bloomer
Quality group A1

Packing configurations

DC 306 - Normtray 56x31 6gts 17cm 3×4×6
DC 404 - Normtray 56x25 4 gaats 3×5×4
DC 999 - Non-FH packaging 3×1×28
DC 746 - Floratino 6 holes 3×4×6